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Adrenaline Mode is a gameplay feature in the Tomb Raider series, specifically appearing in the Legend timeline.


Tomb Raider: Legend[]

Aerial Attack

In Tomb Raider: Legend, the adrenaline mode takes the form of an Aerial Attack. Lara must lock onto an enemy and jump on them; this will stagger them and put the game into slow motion, giving Lara an opportunity to keep shooting and likely kill the enemy, as well as any other enemies around them. There is no limit to how many times this move can be used and it simply relies on being able to get close enough to an enemy in order to do so.

Tomb Raider: Anniversary[]

Adrenaline Dodge Headshot

In Anniversary, the Adrenaline Mode takes the form of an Adrenaline Dodge Headshot. It is activated by attacking enemies; this will slowly start raising a bar above them, known as the "rage meter". When the rage meter is full, a flash will appear above their head and then they will charge at great speed directly at Lara. The attack must be dodged at the last second (by pressing the CROUCH button); the game will then go into slow motion and two target reticles will appear on the screen and slowly move toward the enemy's head. Once they converge, the player must press the SHOOT button and the enemy will be killed with the next shot, or in the case of bosses, sustain massive damage.

Tomb Raider: Underworld[]

Adrealine Attack Headshot TRU

The Adrenaline system has been tweaked in Underworld, allowing 'Adrenaline' to be turned on and off, allowing for better reaction time and giving the player a chance to dodge enemies.

The Adrenaline Headshot now functions similarly to the Aerial Attack instead of relying on the enemy's rage meter. However, the Adrenaline bar must be filled in order to use it. Lara must lock onto the enemy and grapple them, causing her to jump into the air; an aiming reticle will then appear, which must be guided over the enemies head to finish them off.
