Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki

Brother Obscura was a Christian monk and the founder and first leader of the Lux Veritatis.


The Obscura Paintings[]

After the dark alchemist Pieter Van Eckhardt formed the Cabal and announced the organization's plans, Brother Obscura formed the Lux Veritatis to stop him. After a protracted battle, the Lux Veritatis prevailed and imprisoned the alchemist under their headquarters, Castle Kriegler. Subsequently, Obscura covered Eckhardt's paintings-each of which contained a part of the artefact known as the Sanglyph-with religious imagery, thus christening them as the Obscura Paintings. Shortly thereafter, he created the Obscura Engravings; these contained an encoded map leading to the location of the original paintings, which were hidden across Europe.


When Obscura died, he was buried with one of the Obscura Paintings in The Hall of Seasons. His spirit inhabited the burial chamber and was watchful over the artifact.


In 2003, Lara Croft found her way to Brother Obscura's tomb and roused his spirit. The spirit attempted to stop Croft from taking the Painting, but was unsuccessful.


