Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki
For Peruvian Guide in other continuities, see Peruvian Guide disambiguation page.

Carlos was a Peruvian who acted as Lara Croft's guide into the Andes in Peru.



Carlos and Lara outside the entrance of the Tomb of Qualopec.

In 1996, Carlos was traveling with Lara Croft through the Andes in Peru. She had recently been hired by Jacqueline Natla of Natla Technologies to recover a trinket from the unfound Tomb of Qualopec. And so, Carlos helped lead Lara through the mountains to discover an entrance to some caves. Upon activating the opening mechanism of the large stone doors, however, several pairs of eyes appear in the darkness. Carlos recognizes what lies ahead. A pack of wolves. He panics and attempts to flee. But the wolves are too quick and they easily catch him up. Lara, perched up above the doors with the opening mechanism, is unable to help the man in time as he is mauled to death by the vicious wild dogs. Returning to the ground, Lara swiftly dispatches the wolves and avenges Carlos. Afterwards, Lara checks his body. He is indeed dead.


  • Carlos' name is revealed in the Tomb Raider story draft [1].




Tomb Raider 1 - Snow FMV

