Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki
For the Winston character, see Winston disambiguation page

Winston refer to special collectible Documents found in Rise of the Tomb Raider: Blood Ties DLC.

There are five total Winston documents in the game.

Storms Pass[]

Documents - Letter to Lord Croft

Mistress Lara,

I took the liberty of preparing a tray, as dinner did not go according to plans. I've included, in addition to your meal, a few treats. I would appreciate it if you kept this between us, but I felt tonight called for something special.

If you will forgive the indulgence, your rapid exit from the dinner table had me concerned, and I wanted to impart something that I hope sets your mind at ease. I have known your father for quite some time. There is an intensity to his passion that can be frightening. But I recognize that same passion in you. You're more like him than you know.

Never doubt that he loves you more than his research... more than his artifacts. More than anything in this world. Storms pass, and tomorrow will be clear and blue again.

When you have finished, please leave the tray outside. Be well.

Yours. Winston

Lara's Thoughts[]

I don't even remember this letter. I'm sure I wasn't able to read it at the time. Did he write this more for himself than me?

Respectful Duty[]

Documents - Letter to Lord Croft

Lord Croft is resolved to seal the West Wing of the manor. I've tried to talk sense into him, but he will not be swayed. And to make matters worse, I believe his experiences in Tibet have only further fueled the fire of his obsession. He's now up at all hours in his study, researching god knows what.

And poor Lara... she is so confused. Too young to understand the tragedy that has befallen this great house.

My dearest hope is that Lord Croft will emerge from his grief and embrace fatherhood and the love of his daughter. But I fear he may give in to his obsessive nature... that which Lady Amelia tempered in him so well.

In any case, I will be a rock for young Lara. She will never sense tragedy and sorrow in me - only the love and support she deserves.

Lara's Thoughts[]

Winston was my rock... always had a smile on his face, never letting on that something was wrong.

Little Angel[]

Documents - Letter to Lord Croft

My Lord,

I hope this missive finds you on a successful expedition and in good health. Before I bore you with estate affairs, I wanted to let you know that our Little Angel has been into some mischief. As always, I indulged her in our usual game of chess. Over the course of the game, she broached the subject of her mother. She's having trouble remembering her now and wanted to enter her Ladyships' Atelier which you sealed off, to play on her mother's piano. It enraged her when she wasn't allowed to go in, of course. For someone so young, she has such strong emotions.

Later in the day, she set a trap for me... in the walk-in freezer, of all places. Before I knew what was happening, I found myself locked inside. Mrs. Sheffield discovered me an hour later, shivering and somewhat peeved. It took us an additional hour to find Lara on the grounds. I know all her hiding places, of course, but this time she really did not want to be found. Call it years of observation, but I can tell when she's out of sorts. My lord, if I may be so bold... she misses you fiercely. She is lonely for her father.

Please consider a call as soon as you are able.

Lara's Thoughts[]

Oh... poor Winston! I remember doing that to him. i can't believe I was such a little brat. Thank goodness he had such patience with me.

Birthday Expedition[]

Documents - Journal 3

Everything is almost ready for Mistress Lara's birthday expedition surprise. It's been a bit of an all hands on deck effort organizing the affair and keeping it secret. She's obsessed with Egypt, memorizing hieroglyphs and ancient Egyptian Districts. So she'll be delighted with what Lord Croft has come up with!

This will be good for her. She's been acting up of late, but I know she's just craving more of her father's attention. He's been so buried in his research. It will be a nice moment for the two of them to reconnect.

And I do believe he needs it as much as she does.

Lara's Thoughts[]

It really was one of the best birthdays I ever had.


Documents - Letter to Lord Croft

My Lord,

We all hope your work was well received at the conference and look forward to your return. As is so often the case with these missives, I wanted to call your attention to an incident involving our little angel.

It seems that Lara has been the subject of some ridicule amongst the other girls at school. From what I can gather, some of the other young ladies were teasing her for being too much of a 'tom boy.'

You know how Lara can get when pushed into a corner. Let's just say, they won't be bothering her again. But I do think their words have had an effect. I believe Lara has been missing her mother lately. She's begun to worry that she isn't like the other girls. And having grown up with only a father, it shouldn't come as a surprise that she has trouble relating to them. I wonder if this new friend of yours, Ana is it? Perhaps she might prove a welcome influence. It might be worth bringing her to the manor to meet Lara. In any case, I'll let you decide the proper time to do that - please travel home safely.

Yours, Winston

Lara's Thoughts[]

Oh, Winston. He really did look out for me.
